Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

Met taun baru yah..
Instead of going upnorth, I was celebrating the NYE downsouth. Lumayanlah.. menyenangkan juga kok ^_^
Hmm, There's no new year resolution for this year. Tired of making resolutions that couldn't be resolved.. hehehehe.. Dah ah.. jalanin aja, just getting the best out of everything for this year.. hahaha.. broader resolution will lead to broader result, so there's got to be something that getting better than last year, hehehe.. -_-

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year Celebration??

Damn! ternyata cuma angin lalu, dasar si anjrit.. untung ngga keterusan.. hahahaha.. Jadi itu toh rasanya Fling.. hmm.. enak juga yah.. kayak nambah energi. Rasa penasaran itu.. huhuhu.. menyenangkan sekali. I wish I can feel that again with my gf.. Gimana dia? hmm.. masih.. masih bikin capek.

Taun baru ini ada rencana apa?
Hmm.. gw mo jadi follower aja deh.. ikutin arus pada mau kemana... ikut aja.. ^_^ rencananya sih pada mau ke Highland, padahal gw pengennya party yang bener2 party.. binge drinking and clubbing.. hehehe.. sepertinya seru.. *mulai bertanduk* then again.. basi juga kalo sepi, mendingan ikutan sama yang lain aja deh.. gilaaaaa.. pasti bakal capek banget tuh..

Mudah2an.. bisa clubbing beneran..
Heran.. gw mulai berasa ngga ada temen buat gila2an nih..

Pelajaran hari ini: Ignorance is bliss ^_^

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Gw.. jatoh cinta lagi >.<
Gila, padahal udah punya pacar dan dah ada rencana jangka panjang,
tapi bisa2nya gw jatuh cinta lagi..
wtf is happening to me?
orang yang gw suka, sebenernya sih biasa aja..
menarik dan lumayan, bisa dibilang cw gw lebih diberbagai hal dibanding dia.

Tapi anehnya gw bisa suka sama dia..
ntah kenapa kepikiran mulu.. padahal deket aja ngga..
mampus nih gw.. Yang gila, tadinya hanya sebatas mikirin doang, tapi sekarang gw ngirim2 sms2 ngga penting ke dia cuma untuk tau reaksinya..

Obviously something had triggered this..
Dia masuk pada moment yang pas.
Waktu itu, seperti biasa.. lagi berantem masalah kecil.. dan gw dah capeeeek ngeladeninnya.
gw lagi ngga mo mikir panjang2, gw mo having fun! jadilah gw pergi dugem.. I was a bit loose that day.. dan gw enjoyed it very much.. terutama pas turun ma dia ^_^

Gitu deh..
kejadian kecil yang berlanjut jadi gede..
Biasanya sih.. typical orang pasti mikir..
"Ngapain lo? mo selingkuh? kasian cw lo.. blablabla.. cowo emang bangsat lalalala.."
Pernah ngga lo ngalamin kayak gini?
Pernah ngga lo bosen sama cw lo?
Hmm.. enaknya gw apain yah?
Kayaknya gw seneng deh kayak gini.. kembali ngerasain seneng ma orang lagi..
Although ini bikin gw merasa bersalah..
*waks* ini belum kawin loh.. gimana kalo udah kawin nanti?
mo jadi kayak si A'a, haduuuuuh..
Gw dah siap kawin blm yah? hahahaha.. T_T

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why ?

Why did u start reading this?
Why are u still reading it?
Why do you want to know what is it about?

Why do you want to know things?
Why is it interesting to learn what's going on in the world?
Why would life be boring?
Why? Why? Why?
(Times, 03/11/06)


People change..
and I hate that..

I wish they're just stay the same,
not being greedy, envious though I'm ok for a little bit of lust ^_^
So, this is how it feels.. getting quarter life crisis

Monday, October 23, 2006

What do you want in life?

What things do you want in life?
I can't seem to figure them out..
That's what I am now..
I used to know what I want in life
I used to have plans for my life..
I used to know what I'm going to do in the future..
even in the next minute..
I have no freakin idea what I am going to do with my life..
I'm not that kind of emo kids if u really wanna know..
I think I've lost my grip >.<
There must be something I could do to recover..
I must have been created for something in the big picture of universe, innit?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

*Sigh* Not even sleepy >.<

Hey.. it works ^_^

Never thought it would be this easy.. XD

Actually, I have nothing to write.
I'm just doing this to kill my time..
It's almost 3 o'clock in the morning, yet I still can't get to sleep.. >.<

Today is supposed to be the glorious day of the year..
Hmm.. I wonder whether I'll start the day with a cigarrette or a glass of coffee this morning?
Hmm... I'll have both.. *lol*


For the first time in my life.. I finally try to blog..
I wonder whether it will work or not..

Oh well..
Let's give it a shot..